ISBN# 1-57230-881-8
Causes of Conduct Disorder and Juvenile Delinquency

Publication Date: 2003
Edited by Benjamin B. Lahey, Ph.D.,
Terrie E. Moffitt, Ph.D.,
Avshalom Caspi, Ph.D.,
Foreword by David P. Farrington
Rolf Loeber

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Hardcover, 370 Pages

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About the Author

Benjamin B. Lahey, Ph.D., University of Chicago, uses the methods of developmental epidemiology to study the orgins of youth conduct problems. He was President of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology and is President-Elect of the Society for Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology. He received the Research Prize of the National Academy of Neuropsychology (1991) and the Distinguished Research Contributions Award from the Society for Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology (2002).

Terrie E. Moffitt, Ph.D., Institute of Psychiatry, London, and University of Wisconsin, studies the interplay between nature and nurture in the genesis of psychopathology, particularly antisocial behavior. She received the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology in the area of psychopathology from the American Psychological Association (1993). She is a Fellow of the United Kingdom Academy of Medical Sciences and holds a Royal Society-Wolfson Merit Award.

Avshalom Caspi, Ph.D., Institute of Psychiatry, London, and University of Wisconsin, conducts research on the measurement, development, and implications of personality differences in children and adolescents. He received the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology in the area of developmental psychology from the American Psychological Association (1995) and the John P. Hill Memorial Award for contributions to the understanding of adolescent development from the Society for Research on Adolescence (2002).

A great deal has been learned about serious child and adolescent conduct problems, but their causes are still not well understood. This book brings together an international group of leading authorities to advance specific, testable hypotheses about the causes of conduct disorder and juvenile delinquency. Four general causal models are delineated: the social learning model, the developmental pathways model, an integrative antisocial propensity model, and an integrative ecological-developmental model. Also provided are models focusing on specific aspects of the origins of conduct problems, including contextual, psychological, and biological influences. The authors present significant, original theoretical work and map out the kinds of further studies needed to confirm or disconfirm their new or revised hypotheses.

Foreword, Farrington and Loeber

  1. Research and Theoretical Strategies
    1. Crucial Paths from Risk Indicator to Causal Mechanism, Rutter
  2. General and Integrative Causal Models
    1. A Social Learning Model of Child and Adolescent Antisocial Behavior, Snyder, Reid, and Patterson
    2. Life-Course-Persistent and Adolescence-Limited Antisocial Behavior: A Ten-Year Research Review and a Research Agenda, Moffitt
    3. A Developmental Propensity Model of the Origins of Conduct Problems during Childhood and Adolescence, Lahey and Waldman
    4. Social Mechanisms of Community Influences on Crime and Pathways in Criminality, Wikström and Sampson
  3. Targeted Causal Models Development of Conduct Problems during the Preschool Period
    1. Starting at the Beginning: Exploring the Etiology of Antisocial Behavior in the First Years of Life, Keenan and Shaw
    2. Why Socialization Fails: The Case of Chronic Physical Aggression, Tremblay Cognitive Factors
    3. An Early-Onset Model of the Role of Executive Functions and Intelligence in Conduct Disorder/Delinquency, Nigg and Huang-Pollock
    4. Do Social Information-Processing Patterns Mediate Aggressive Behavior?, Dodge Genetic, Environmental, and Biological Influences
    5. Prefrontal Deficits and Antisocial Behavior: A Causal Model, Ishikawa and Raine
    6. Testing Alternative Hypotheses Regarding the Role of Development on Genetic and Environmental Influences Underlying Antisocial Behavior, Rhee and Waldman
    7. Prenatal and Perinatal Influences on Conduct Disorder and Serious Delinquency, Brennan, Grekin, and Mednick Animal Models of the Causes of Aggression
    8. Social and Biological Mechanisms Underlying Impulsive Aggression in Rhesus Monkeys, Suomi