Conners Kiddie CPT V.5

C. Keith Conners, Ph.D.

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sku# 2050KCPT

For ages 4-5

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· Conners' CPT 3 for Windows

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About the Author

Keith Conners has has an extraordinary career as an academic, clinician, researcher, lecturer, author, editor-in-chief, and administrator. His dedication to the study of ADHD and other childhood problems has propelled him to the forefront of his field. He has written several books on attention deficit disorders and neuropsychology an hundreds of journal articles and book chapters based on his research regarding the effects of food additives, nutrition, stimulant drugs, diagnosis, and dimensional syndromes. He is truly an asset to the field of psychology.

K-CPT V.5 follows the same basic paradigm as the popular Conners' CPT II V.5, but with some key differences that make it an ideal measure for this specific population. First, the administration time is half the length of CPT II V.5, Second, pictures of objects rather than letters are presented on the screen. Children are asked to press the spacebar or click the mouse for every picture that appears on the screen except the ball. Since very young children are better able to recognize pictures rather than letters, letter recognition problems do not present a potential confound.

The Single Administration report allows you to select the types of graphs, text, and tables for inclusion. The Multi-Administration report allows you to compare the results of up to 4 administrations for the same child- an ideal tool for monitoring treatment efficacy.

The comprehensive software manual is presented in two parts. Part I contains information on the background, development, ans use of K-CPT; case studies; and detailed data on its norms and psychometric properties. In addition, this section offers an explanation of the various measures calculated by the program.

  • Response times (Overall Hit Reaction Time, Overall HRT Standard Error, Variability, HRT by Block, HRT by ISI, SE by ISI)
  • Errors (Omissions and Commissions)
  • Change in Reaction Time Speed and Consistency (by Block Results and ISI Results)
  • Signal Detection Theory Statistics (d prime and Beta)
  • Overall Statistics (Confidence Index and Overall Index)
Part II of the manual provides installation and use guidelines for the software.

K-CPT V.5 is an unlimited-use program; therefore, users can administer, score, and generate any of the reports an unlimited number of times. However, if the program is installed on a network, the number of users of the program at one time is limited to the number of installations purchased.

K-CPT V.5 works with PsychManager Lite, a freeclient management program.

Note:This is a b-level product. Sale of this product is restricted to qualified purchasers in accordance with the ethical and professional standards of the American Psychological Association and the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Purchasers must establish a qualification level with ADD WareHouse. Qualification forms submitted by 4 PM will be processed that business day and notification will be sent by email. Forms submitted after 4 PM will be processed the next business day.

You can complete the Online Qualification Form Online and send it with your first order or fax a downloaded form to (954) 792-8545. Download a Qualification Form