ISBN# 1-57542-077-5
Hands Are Not For Hitting

Publication Date: 2000
Martine Agassi, Ph.D.

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Paperback, 40 pp

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About the Author

Martine Agassi, Ph.D., is a clinical therapist with extensive experience as a behavioral consultant, counseling children and families in schools, residential facilities, foster care, and private practice. She has led workshops and group counseling in communication skills, parenting, drug and child abuse prevention, divorce, and self-esteem. Martine, her husband, and their daughter live in Fallbrook, California, with their dog Toby.

Kids, ages 4-7


“Hands are not for hitting. Hands are for saying hello. . . .” And for playing, creating, helping, working, learning, encouraging, taking care of oneself, and so many more good things.

In this gentle, encouraging book, psychologist Martine Agassi helps young children understand that they are capable of positive, loving actions.

Simple words and warm, inviting full-color illustrations reinforce the underlying concepts: that violence is never okay, and kids can learn to manage their anger.

Especially at an age when children are interacting more with others and starting school, they need to know that hitting is unacceptable. Words tell—and pictures show—the many wonderful things kids can do with their hands instead of hitting.

Made to be read aloud, Hands Are Not for Hitting also includes a special section for adults, with ideas for things to talk about and activities to do together.

Recommended for anyone in a caring relationship with a young child; perfect for day-care, preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary school classrooms.


“Offers youngsters an alternative to hitting and other forms of hurtful behavior, guiding them to a more peaceful and positive outcome in their dealings with other children.”—School Library Journal

“Highly recommended...ideal ‘read aloud’ book for parents and care givers.”—Midwest Book Review

“The simple but important message...helps children understand that they have the power to choose not to hurt people.”—Teaching Tolerance