Listen, Look, and Think- A Self-Regulation Program for Children

Harvey C. Parker Ph.D.

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About the Author

Harvey C. Parker, Ph.D. has been one of the country's leading ADHD advocates. In 1987, he and two parents of children with ADHD started CHADD, a national organization founded to help children and adults with ADHD. He played an instrumental role in helping the US Department of Education better understand the educational needs of children with ADHD. He was inducted into the CHADD Hall of Fame in 1994 and has served as a member of the CHADD Board of Directors for the past eighteen years.

Dr. Parker is an author and co-author of over ten books and Internet websites on ADHD, study strategies, and behavior management. He lectures nationally to parents and professional groups and maintains a private practice in clinical psychology in Plantation, Florida. His other books include: The ADHD Handbook for Schools, The ADHD Workbook for Parents and Study Strategies Made Easy and Study Strategies for Early School Success with Leslie Davis and Sandi Sirotowitz.

A best seller, this wonderful, easy-to-use program helps children pay attention in school or when doing homework. It features an endless cassette tape which plays an audible tone at variable intervals. The student listens for the beep while attending to classwork. When the beep sounds, the student checks on a self-recording sheet whether he or she was paying attention to his or her work. Can be used individually, in small groups, or with an entire class. The program is based on research studies that have shown that self-recording of attention improves on-task behavior.The program comes with an endless cassette signaling tape, instruction manual, and self-recording forms for students.