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MotivAider ® System

Steve Levinson Ph.D.

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About the Author

Dr. Levinson was born and raised in New York City. He earned a bachelors degree in psychology from Queens College of the City University of New York and a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Rochester. After completing his training, he moved to Minnesota to direct an innovative rural mental health program that has flourished under his leadership for the past thirty years.

Reminds students to stay on task! A battery-operated, pocket-sized device called a MotivAider® can be set to automatically provide children with private reminders or cues to engage in specific desired behavior. A gentle vibration that lasts only for a couple of seconds reminds the child to pay attention, keep on working, raise hand before talking, etc. The MotivAider® sees to it that a child receives enough of the right reminders to make a specific improvement in behavior. Includes MotivAider® and manual specifically designed for classroom use.