ISBN# 1-57861-546-1
Organizing Your IEPs

Publication Date: 2005
Shelley Peterman Schwarz,
Nancy Kruschke McKinney

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Paperback, 98 pp CD with PDF

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About the Author

Shelley Peterman Schwarz and Nancy Kruschke McKinney were introduced by a mutual acquaintance in 2000 and quickly became fast friends. Both appreciated and utilized the talents and skills of the other as they developed their individual small businesses---Shelley as an author and syndicated columnist; Nancy as a professional organizer.

When the opportunity arose to write this book, the two combined their different strengths to create an easy-to-read organizational tool for busy educators. Despite the challenge if a creative right brain and a logical left brain ever finding consensus, their friendship has not only survived but is stronger for the experience.


Instructors have become increasingly swamped with IEP-related paperwork in recent years, often putting you in the awkward situation of not having adequate time to do what you were hired to do—TEACH to the student's IEP. Author Shelley Peterman Schwarz and professional office organizer Nancy McKinney have collaborated on a book that will help you take back control of the IEP organizational process.

It includes sections on organizing your paperwork, collecting data, tracking annual IEPs and three-year reevaluations, and organizing an electronic file system. Includes a Win/Mac CD with a printable PDF that contains all the reproducibles in the book.