ISBN# 1-889140-43-0
1-2-3 Magic (Book)

Publication Date: 2010
Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D.

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sku# 0331

Paperback, 226 pp

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About the Author

Dr. Thomas Phelan is an internationally renowned expert and lecturer on parenting and Attention Deficit Disorder. A registered PhD clinical psychologist, he appears frequently on radio and television and has been engaged in private practice since 1972.

Dr. Phelan received his doctorate from Loyola University in Chicago in 1970. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Illinois Psychological Association. The father of an ADD child, he has also served on the boards of directors for ADDA and CHADD, two national organizations for parents of children with ADD.

Dr. Phelan and his wife of 35 years raised two children and experienced first-hand many of the problems he now helps parents tackle. "My goal is to help parents avoid some of the turmoil we experienced, and which I hear about from other parents every day," comments Phelan. "With some basic understanding of what makes children and teenagers tick - and a ton of patience - parenthood can provide some of life's greatest satisfactions."

Revised 4th Edition


The award-winning, best selling 1-2-3 Magic book provides practical and easy-to-learn parenting techniques that WORK for children ages 2-12. You won't need to study child psychology to understand the three simple steps in the program and get results quickly!

Step 1: Control Obnoxious Behavior. Learn a simple technique to get your kids to STOP doing what you don't want them to do (whining, arguing, tantrums, sibling rivalry, etc.).

Step 2: Encourage Good Behavior. Learn several effective methods to get your kids to START doing what you do want them to do (cleaning rooms, going to bed, homework, etc.).

Step 3: Strengthen Relationships. Learn four powerful techniques that reinforce your bond with your children.

You will also learn how to manage the Six Kinds of Testing and Manipulation, how to handle misbehavior in public and how to avoid the Talk-Persuade-Argue-Yell-Hit Syndrome.

Other topics include "When Do You Talk?" "Overparenting" and "Real Magic: One-On-One Fun."


An excellent, workable, and supportive resource for parents and educators.
Irene Wood, American Library Association, Booklist