ISBN# 0-87822-444-0
Stress Management for Adolescents Program Guide
A Cognitive-Behavioral Program

Publication Date: 2002
Diane de Anda


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sku# 1994

Paperback, 146 pp (includes audio CD)

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About the Author

Diane de Anda, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Social Welfare at the UCLA School of Public Policy and Social Research. She has been active for over 25 years in community agencies and foundations that focus on special problems of adolescent populations, such as stress and coping, violence prevention, and adolescent pregnancy, particularly with Latino and multicultural youth. She has worked as a junior high school teacher, school social worker, and researcher. Dr. de Anda has published several books and numerous articles in scholarly journals. She has also published works of fiction for adults and children.


Enhances the ability of middle and high school students to reduce stress and handle stressful situations in their daily lives — for use in classroom or small group settings. The Program Guide provides scripted sessions, instructions, worksheets, visual aids, and motivational activities. Pretests and posttests are included to measure levels of stress, ability to handle stress, and the effectiveness of various coping strategies. A free copy of the Scanning Relaxation audio CD is included with the Program Guide.


"This curriculum is executed thoroughly and step-by-step. It instructs how to teach relaxation and regulatory skills. It goes beyond many relaxation programs in terms of its scope, which broadens to include mindfulness, actions (versus reactions), and problem-solving strategies."
Social Work with Groups


  • Program Overview
  • Preliminary Session: Pretesting and Program Orientation
  • Session 1: Identifying Stress
  • Session 2: Distress/The Alarm Reaction
  • Session 3: The Mind-Body Connection
  • Session 4: Self-Talk
  • Session 5: Calm Body, Clear Mind
  • Session 6: Meaning/Real or False Alarm
  • Session 7: Calming Actions
  • Session 8: Putting It All Together/Role Playing
  • Session 9: Problem-Solving Actions
  • Session 10: Personal Tension Spots/General Review
  • Final Session: General Review/Program Evaluation
  • Appendix A: Relaxation Scripts
  • Appendix B: Program Forms
  • Appendix C: Figures
  • Appendix D: Program Evaluation Measures