ISBN# 9780763738945
100 Questions & Answers About Autism

Publication Date: 2006
Campion Quinn, MD, MHA

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Paperback, 267pp

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About the Author

Dr. Campion Quinn is a board certified internist and geriatrician working in New York.


100 Questions & Answers About Autism: Expert Advice from a Physician/Parent Caregiver focuses on issues of critical importance to those who love and care for autistic children and adults. This book gives you authoritative, practical answers to the most common questions about autism, including causes, diagnosis, treatment options, sources of support, and much more. Written by a physician who is the parent of an autistic child, this text combines the author’s medical knowledge, extensive research, and personal experience. The text is supplemented with thoughts and comments from other parents of autistic children, making this an invaluable resource for all loved ones of people coping with the physical and emotional turmoil of autism.


Part I

  • What is Autism?
  • What are the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)?
  • What is Asperger’s Syndrome?
  • How can you tell Autism from Asperger’s Syndrome?
  • What is Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)?
  • What is Rett Syndrome?
  • What is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder?
  • What is the prognosis of children with Autism?
  • Are there other diseases that have the same symptoms of autism?
  • Do autistic children commonly suffer from other illnesses?
  • Is there an association between autism and Tourette’s syndrome?
  • I have heard that the symptoms of autism are exaggerated and incorrectly portrayed in the media. What are some of the common myths about autism?
Part II
  • Are there risk factors for Autism?
  • What are some of the symptoms of Autism a Parent should look for?
  • How do doctors diagnose children with Autism?
  • What are Screening Tools for Autism?
  • What are some of the more common autism screening tools that are used today?
  • What medical tests should the doctor perform when making a diagnosis of Autism?
  • What is a multidisciplinary team and how do they help to diagnose an autistic child?
  • Are their tests that are not recommended for the diagnosis or management of autism?
  • Can I wait to have my child tested for Autism?
Part III
  • Is there truth to the claim that the number of children with autism has been increasing ever since the MMR vaccine has been in use?
  • Is there a link between MMR Vaccine and the development of Autism?
  • What have studies found regarding MMR vaccine and autism?
  • What should a parent do about childhood immunizations?
  • Is mercury exposure dangerous?
  • Does Thimerosal cause autism?
Part IV
  • How will I know if a new therapy is right from my child?
  • What is Applied Behavioral Analysis?
  • What is Sensory Integration therapy?
  • What is TEACCH?
  • I’ve heard of an educational model called Floor Time. What is it?
  • Facilitated Communication
  • What is the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)?
  • Are there other therapies that are useful in treatment of behavioral symptoms in Autistic children?
Part V
  • Are medications useful in treating the behavioral problems of Autistic children?
  • What types of medications are used to treat autistic children?
  • Is there anything I should do before giving my child a medication?
  • Are antipsychotic medications helpful in the treatment of autism?
  • I’ve heard that anti-seizure medication can be helpful in treating some behavior problems associated with autism. Is that true?
  • How are Anxiety and depression treated in an autistic person?
  • What medications are used to treat seizures in autistic children?
  • What are some treatments for involuntary movements, vocalizations and Tourette’s Syndrome associated with Autism?
Part VI
  • Is there any harm in trying unproven treatments on my child?
  • Are dietary interventions helpful to autistic children?
  • What are some common dietary interventions used to treat Autism?
  • Is Secretin helpful in treating the symptoms of Autism?
  • Is Naltrexone helpful in treating autism?
  • What is chelation therapy?
  • Can chelation therapy help my autistic child?
      Part VII
  • How long does it take for Social Security to determine if my child is disabled
  • What is SSI?
  • How does the government decide if A Child Is Disabled?
  • What are the eligibility criteria for Supplemental Security Benefits (SSI)?
  • Does Autism usually qualify as a disability according to the Social Security Administration?
  • What is Medicare?
  • What is Medicaid?
  • Is my autistic child eligible for Medicare or Medicaid benefits?
  • What other healthcare services are available for my child?
  • I want to care for my child after I’m gone, but I was told by my lawyer not to leave any money in my child’s name. Why is that?
  • Why does a parent with an autistic child need a will?
  • What is a Will?
  • What is a special needs trust?
  • Now that I have a trust, who should I choose to be trustee?
  • What is a "Letter of Intent" and why is it necessary when creating a special needs trust?
  • What can a “special-needs trust” pay for?
  • Why do I need to establish guardianship for my adult child? Am I not his guardian already?
  • What is guardianship?
  • How do I obtain Guardianship for my adult child?
Part IX
  • What does the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 have to do with the education of my child?
  • What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and why should I know about it?
  • What is special education?
  • How do I get special education services for my child?
  • What is the Individualized Education Plan or IEP?
  • What can I do if I don’t agree with the findings in the IEP?
  • How do I choose the best special education program for my child?
  • Are computers useful in the education of an autistic child?
  • What type of computer should an autistic child use?
  • When discussing plans for my teenage son, I’ve heard the term “transition.” What does it mean?
Part X
  • My child was just diagnosed with Autism. What do I do first?
  • What are some tips for parenting kids with autism?
  • Traveling with my autistic child is difficult. What can I do to make “going out” easier?
  • Keeping my child clean and neat is a real challenge. How do other parents deal with this?
  • Getting (and keeping) my child dressed is very difficult. What can I do to make it easier?
  • What are some causes of behavioral change in autistic children?
  • How can I help my children form a relationship with their autistic sibling?
  • How can I get my autistic child to exercise?
  • I spent time and money childproofing my home when my son was an infant? Do I have to change anything now that he has been diagnosed as autistic?
  • Is my home unsafe from my autistic child?
  • How do I make my home safe for my autistic child?
  • How do I change my child’s behaviors to reduce risk of accident or injury?
  • Where do Autistic People Usually Live?
  • What is Respite Care?
  • How can I tell if my family needs respite care services?
Part XI
  • How are parents with Autistic Children stressed?
  • What are some ways that parents can reduce their stress?
  • Do some families deal with stress better than others?
  • Do siblings suffer increased stress as a result of having an autistic brother or sister?
  • What can I do about my children’s stress?
  • What are some resources for learning more about autism?