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ACTeRS Teacher Rating/Profile Forms

Publication Date: 1998
Rina K. Ullmann, M.Ed.
Esther K. Sleator, M.D.
Robert L. Sprague, Ph.D.

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sku# 1360B

50 Teacher rating/profile forms

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About the Author


Reliably Diagnose ADD in Adolescents and Adults Until recently, it was believed that Attention Deficit Disorder was a childhood affliction and that the symptoms gradually disappeared with maturation. However, newer studies suggest that 30-70% of children with ADD continue to have symptoms as adults and that the disorder affects 2-5 million adults (CHADD, 1995). The ACTeRS Self-Report was designed to provide a reliable diagnostic measure of ADD in adolescents and adults.

Applications and Features

The test items define three scales: Attention (A), Hyperactivity/Impulsivity (H), and Social Adjustment (S). There are 35 self-report statements to which the examinee responds on a five-point scale. There's no time limit, but most people finish in 10-15 minutes.

Available for adolescents and adults, the norms for the ACTeRS Self-Report are based on more than 1000 cases. Differences between male and female score patterns are insignificant and reliability coefficients average .88.

Self-administered and self-scored, the test uses color coding to reduce the chance of scoring errors. A simple rubric provides percentile equivalents of raw scores on the scoring key, or T-score equivalents are available in the Technical Manual.

Note:This is a b-level product. Sale of this product is restricted to qualified purchasers in accordance with the ethical and professional standards of the American Psychological Association and the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Purchasers must establish a qualification level with ADD WareHouse. Qualification forms submitted by 4 PM will be processed that business day and notification will be sent by email. Forms submitted after 4 PM will be processed the next business day.

You can complete the Online Qualification Form Online and send it with your first order or fax a downloaded form to (954) 792-8545. Download a Qualification Form