A disorder that doesn’t go away on its own, ADD turns untreated children into frustrated adults. And, adults who have children with ADD, probably have it as well. From the co-authors of Migraines: What Works! and Back Pain: What Works!, comes Adult ADD—The Complete Handbook. Although ADD books have appeared on bestseller lists before, this is the first ADD book ever written by neurologists.
In simple and friendly terms, co-authors David Sudderth and Joseph Kandel offer help to those leading frustrating lives. They provide coping mechanisms, both psychological and an up-to-date guide to the latest technology that people with ADD will benefit from. In addition to providing a list of primary ADD symptoms and theoretic causes, the handbook also:
• Suggests where they should start and which doctor they should choose
• Explains which medicines are effective
• Offers complimentary treatments— sleep habits, diet, counseling, biofeedback
• Provides self-help strategies