A book that gives teachers all the tools necessary to identify and manage children with Attention Disorders. Highlights Include:
Complete description of Attention Problems: Causes, Characteristics and Interventions
Legal Issues
12- Step Action Plan
Effective Teaching Methods
Classroom management Strategies
Teacher�s Success Stories
80 Pages of Duplicating Masters
Introduction Understanding Attention Disorders
Key Facts About Children With Attention Disorders
What are Attention Disorders
History of ADHD
Reluctance to Identify ADHD
Legal Issues and Legal Rights of ADHD Students
Validity of ADHD Syndrome
Causes of ADHD
Learning Disabilities and Attention Disorders
Language Disorders, Reading Disorders and
ADHD in Preschoolers
Learning Style Preference and ADHD
Developmental Readiness and ADHD
Characteristics of Children with ADHD
Treating Attention Disorders
Developing an Action Plan
Roles of the Members of the Treatment Team
Psychological/ Psychoeducational Evaluation
Treatment Approaches
Behavior Management Strategies
Psychological Interventions
Educational Intervention
Statement of Objectives
Managing ADHD in the Classroom
General Strategies
Specific Strategies
Teacher�s Success Story
Supplemental Materials
Appendix of Forms
Identification and Goal Setting
Problem Solving Assessment
My Students Behavior
Child/Adolescents Assessment of home/school
Overall summary for meeting with child/parents
Tow-week Goals
Academic Summary
Letter to parents
Letter to professional
Written Consent
Preschool Check Up: A Symptom Checklist for Developmental Disabilities
A Check Up for Elementary School Children
A Check Up or Adolescents: A Symptom Checklist for Behavioral, Attentional, Learning and Emotional Difficulties.
Copeland Symptom Checklist for Attention Deficit Disorders
Copeland Symptom Checklist for Adult Attention Deficit Disrders
Scoring the Copeland Symptom Checklists
Medication Schedule
Medication Weekly Record Form
Copeland Medication Follow-up Questionnaire
Medication � Side Effects Checklist Responsibility Programs
Responsibility Chart (Elementary Children)
Chipper Bear Responsibility Chart
Responsibility Chart (Teenagers)
Family Organization Calendar Classroom Management and Organization
Sample Daily Schedule
Daily Assignment Sheet
Elementary School Weekly Homework Sheet
Middle/High School Weekly Homework Sheet
Daily Homework Sheet
Daily Class, Homework and Test Record
(Writing Paper)
Graph Paper for Math � 1� Squares
Graph Paper- 3/4� Squares
Graph Paper- 1/2� Squares
Small Graph Paper- 1/4� Squares
(Progress Reports)
Daily Progress Report ( Older Student Example)
Daily Progress Report (Older Student Form)
Daily Progress Report (Younger Student Example)
Daily Progress Report (Younger Student Form) Resource Material
National Support Groups and Associations
U.S. Department of Education Clarification of Policy
List of Regional Civil Rights Offices
Suggested Readings and audioprograms for Parents, Teachers and Professionals
Author(s): Edna D. Copeland, Ph.D. Valerie L. Love, M.Ed.
Publication Date: Publication Date 1995
ISBN #: ISBN# 1-886941-01-7
Type/Pages: Paperback, 180pp
Edna D. Copeland, Ph.D.is a child/clinical psychologist and a pioneer in the evaluation and management of ADHD. She has always had a special interest in learning disabilities and their relationship to attention disorders. She has evaluated and treated hundreds of patients with both ADHD and LD and provides comprehensive evaluations for accommodations at the post-secondary level. Positions have included: Director of Psychology, Medical Center of Central Georgia�s Institute for Developmental Medicine ; and founder and director of the Northside Hospital Child Development Institute, a pioneer program in the treatment of ADHD in Atlanta. She has also taught in the Psychiatry Department of the Medical University of South Carolina and at Georgia State University. Recognized nationally as an authority on ADHD/ADD, she has authored several books and other publications on the subject, including Attention, Please! A Comprehensive Guide for Successfully Parenting Children with Attention Disorders (ADHD/ADD), Medications for Attention Disorders (ADHD/ADD) and Related Medical Problems and Attention Without Tension: A Teacher�s Handbook on Attention Disorders (ADHD/ADD). She has served on the professional advisory boards of CHADD and ADDA. Dr. Copeland presents lectures extensively throughout the United States to healthcare professionals, educators and parents. She has lectured internationally as well.
Valerie L. Love, M.Ed. has a B.A. in Psychology and an M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology and has worked with attention deficit students in both a teaching and counseling capacity. She has been a teacher, counselor, educational consultant, PTA President, school board member and community volunteer with children for 22 years. She has created and implemented award-winning drug abuse prevention programs for children in grades 3 through 8 and has presented numerous workshops to both children and parents. She is married and is the mother of two young adult children.
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