ISBN: 0-9627701-6-7
How to Operate an ADHD Clinic or Subspecialty Practice

Publication Date: 1995
Michael Gordon, Ph.D.

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Spiral bound, approx. 325pp

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About the Author

Dr. Gordon is Chief Clinical Child Psychologist, and Professor of Psychiatry at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. He has extensive experience helping children, adolescents, and adults who have problems adjusting to home, school, and work. Widely published in academic journals, he is also well-known for his popular books and videos for individuals who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Dr. Gordon is director of an ADHD clinic and has developed educational texts for professionals as well as test materials and treatment programs that are used internationally.


A treasure trove of guidelines, concepts, practicalities, insights, cautions, observations, state-of-the art research, and clinic-spun humor from a leader in the field of ADHD. This 415 page book goes beyond academic discussions of ADHD and gets down to the nitty gritty practicalities of establishing and running an ADHD practice. It serves as an operator's manual and training guide for those involved in managing referrals. 

Dr. Gordon offers a comprehensive but clinically-relevant framework for making diagnostic decisions and treatment recommendations. In addition to practice guidelines and suggestions, he presents a compendium of clinic forms and letters, interview formats, sample reports, tricks of the trade, and resource listings, all of which will help you develop or refine your clinic operation.


“The title of this text does not do justice to the book’s contents. It is a wealth of practical ideas, suggestions, diagnostic protocols, general information and clinical forms. For a new practitioner this text represents a state of the art how-to manual in child assessment. For the experienced practitioner helpful hints and alternative ideas for dealing with multiple clinical issues makes this text a bargain. I suggest the text be retitled as “The Practical and Essential Guide to Operating a Child Assessment Clinic.”
Sam Goldstein, Ph.D.
Neurology, Learning & Behavior Center University of Utah School of Medicine


Chapter   1: Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Childhood Psychopathology
Chapter   2: What Should be Banging Around Your Brain While You're Conducting an ADHD Evaluation
Chapter   3: Down to the Nitty Gritty
Chapter   4: Appointment Day
Chapter   5: Tools of the Trade
Chapter   6: Putting It All Together - Feedback to Parents & Teachers
Chapter   7: So What About Treatment?
Chapter   8: What Happens after the ADHD Evaluation?
Chapter   9: Business Matters
Chapter 10: Resources