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Novotni Social Skills Checklist - Self Report Version

Publication Date: 2000
Michele Novotni, Ph.D.

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About the Author

Michele Novotni, Ph.D. co-authored, Adult ADD: A Reader Friendly Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Treating Adult Attention Deficit Disorder and lectures extensively on the topic. She has more than 20 years of experience as a psychologist working with children and adults with AD/HD. Dr. Novotni has a lifetime of experience living with AD/HD as both her son, Jarryd, and her father have AD/HD. She is an Assistant Professor in the graduate counseling department od Eastern College, Saint Davids, Pennsylvania and has a private practice at Wayne Counseling Center, Wayne, Pennsylvania.

Useful for psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and coaches who work with adults with AD/HD. A checklist to rapidly assess adult social skills through both self report as well as observations of others. By comparing self report with the report of others, clients will become aware of "blind-spots" opening the dialogue for growth and change. Together with a mental health professional, clients will be able to select social skill goals. Ongoing assessment can serve to document progress. Scoring instructions included.